Monday, 17 February 2014

Ill Manors: Film Research

Q: All the institutions involved in the production of ill manors and summary of what the their contribution to the film was ?

A: The institution involved with the product of ill manors was Revolver Entrainment.

Q: How much ill manors cost to produce (its budget) ?

A: ill manors was produce with a budget of £100,000 which is nothing in the movie industry and compared to Hollywood block buster who would spend that kind of money in one day of filming. The film overall raised £453,570 in UK box offices.

Q: How was ill manors funded ?

A: Plan B's ill manors film was funded by three studios. The three funded that ill manors was BBC films, film London microwave and Aimimage. This companies are well know for producing low budget British films.

Q: What is the target audience for ill manors ?

A: As the ill manors film has a 18+ certificate this would mean that it would contain sexual scenes, violence and swearing thus this would be sustainable for people between the ages of 18 - 35 years of old. The target audience for ill manors would be teenegers as some of the problems that the characters in the film go through teenegers can relate for example the film is filmed is an deprived part of London next to the Olympic stadium so it would target teenagers at disadvantage. Furthermore, The target audience for would be parents frown on teenagers from a rough back or part as this would highlight to them how they become bad teenagers.

Q: Who is the main distributor of ill manors ?

A: Revolver Entertainment is the main distributor of ill manors. Revolver Entertainments is located is two countries both in the uk and Los Angeles, which was funded in 1997 and releasing independent films and also releasing duccometary. In order to film and fund ill manors in April 2011 Plan B sold the distribution rights to Revolver Entertainment.

Q: How was ill manors promoted ?

A: ill manors was promoted is a number of ways. One way that ill manors was promoted was on the Guardian's website when ill manors released there first trailer on the 3rd may 2012. Another way that ill manors was promoted when ill manors first film poster was unveiled by Empire Magazine website on the 8th may 2012. Beside the ways that ill manors was promoted above, ill manors was also promoted by Digital Sky promoted ill manors Plan B's film along side with different films. To promote his film Plan B appeared on chat shows and also on radio stations such as BBC 3 radio live. Lastly, the premier of ill manors was on the 30th may 2012 released in 19 cinemas in the uk and Republic of Ireland.

Q: Similarities and differences compared with a block bluster movie ?

A: The block buster Hollywood film that am going to compare with ill manors is Avatar. Avatar was released in 2009 and produced and edited by James Cameron. There are a numbers of similarities and differences between both films as shown:

One of the similarities between Avatar and ill manors is that they both didn't use very well know actors for example Avatar lead star was Sam Worthington ad ill manors recruited actors such as Ed shiern. 

The differences between this two movies is clearly visible as ill manors to produce cost £100,000 whereas Avatar is most expensive movie to be ever made with speculation that it cost $280 million to produce. Another difference is the genre of the films as ill manors is crime and drama where on the other hand Avatar is fantasy as the plot is sending people to a different planet. Moreover, avatar had a world wide box office gross about $2.8 billion  which is the highest gross movie of all time. ill manors £453,570 in UK box offices which is near to nothing compared to avatar.  Lastly, James Cameron is an experienced and is considered to be one of the best movie producers whereas as, Ben Drew is new to movie producing.

Q: How does the ill manors trailer hook audiences into the narrative and pose questions that the film will answer ? identify 3 way/techniques

A: ill manors hooks and engage audiences by showing acts of violence committed by the characters in the film which an enigma code for the audience as they would be thinking what would be the motive to committee the crime. The fast paced editing would engage teenagers are they would be attracted and enjoy the a fast paced film.

The film poses questions that the film would answer is by showing violence and acts of crime committed by characters then the film later goes on to answer the motives for the characters to committee the crimes. An Example of this in the film was when  the black boy wanted to buy drugs but was laughed and to gain respect he had to beat up his white friends to make the older characters rate him.

Q: How does the trialer for ill manors balance plot and spectacle ?

A: The trailer for ill manors balances plot and spectacle as it helps the audience understand the narrative and the trailer would create an enigma code as it shows some of the movie.

Q: Think bout the certificate of ill manors ( 18+). Research film certification and outline what it deemed acceptable for this certificate. What is the difference between a 15 certification and 18 certification?

A: There are major differences in an 15 certificate and a 18+ certificate film. An 18+ certificate film contains strong violence and strong language. Also that in a 18+ certificate film can contain sexual scenes/activities/content. Real sex, Strong blood and gruesome scenes would be within the boundaries of an 18 certificate. On the other hand, a 15 certificate involves strong language and violence but this is limited, also drugs can be used but it must not be promoted or encourage during or after the film. Sexual scenes in a 15 certificate is complicated and the rules are that you can show any sexual context but sexual violence must be discreet and have strong contextual justification. In conclusion, ill manors would be an 18+ certificate as it contains strong violence, sex scenes/drugs and drugs therefore this would be only allowed by a 18+ certificate. 

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