In this TEDx lecture Plan B, Ben Drew, tells us his points of view on society for example he tells us the motives on why young adults/teenagers have an issue with modern day society. Ben Drew in the TEDx lecture talks about his background, how he grew up in an deprived council estate and how he got kicked out of school from a young age. During the TEDx lecture Ben Drew give the audience a clip of his movie to further promote his movie.
Q: What are Plan B's beliefs and politics? What are his values/ideologies? Explain
A: Plan B's beliefs and political views are motivated by young teenagers/adults and him self growing up in council estates. Plan had tough experiences when growing up for instance Plan B got excluded from school and got sent to a pupils referral centre called Tunmarsh at the year of ten where he met kids in similar positions as he is. Plan B discovered that youths didn't have respect for rules or authority because they didn't feel as if society treated them equally thus felt isolated and abandon. Plan B also believes that all young adults need is support and guidance from society. Plan B's views on politics is that politicians don't spend money how they should spend it instead spending it on things that are irrelevant. Plan B's political view is shown in his ill manors music video when he shows David Cameron the MP is a dog sh*t.
Q: Who is the target audience for the TEDx lecture? Demographics? Psychographics? How to you know? How does this compare to the audience for his music/film?
A: The target audience for Plan B's TEDx lecture would be Plan B's fans who are Plan B followers and are interest in his views. Another target audience would be Guardians Newspapers readers who are usually between the ages of 24-45 years old. The Psychographics group intended for this would be reformers and mainstreamers because both groups seek enlightenment and security. Plan B's TEDx lecture relates to both as he talks about how teenagers can over come obstacles and be successful. The demographics targeted would be between A and B class who are in middle management, teaching, creative and media people and well educated therefore they would understand what plan be is talking about. TEDx lecture compares to Plan B's music and film in different instance for example the target audience is different as the music video is targeted are younger audiences, demographic group D and E class,18-24 years of old. Further more, the music video and film psychographics group would be strugglers as they seek for attention and escape.
Q: What does Plan B say about the media? Explain how this can be linked to Cohens theory of moral panic?
A: Plan B portrays the media in a negative light as he believes that the media treat youths unequally. He says that people are massively influenced by the media as people that read or watch news/papers they are exposed to what the media believes of teenagers then people that are exposed start to believe what they read creating a negative view of teenagers and young adults. This is linked to Cohen's theory of moral panic, when a event occurs because of its nature therefore the media decides it is worthy of dramatic coverage and making society aware of the event. The event that occurred is communicated in communities making more and more people aware of the event, in this case the media showed coverage of the riots showing mostly young adults looting and committing acts of crime which connotes people that are exposed to it that young adults are dangerous and that they don't abide my rules and regulation. The moral panic is then caused when the government decide to make law changes which would effect young teenagers making them feel isolated and unwanted causing them to make more trouble.
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