Tuesday, 18 March 2014

ill Manors: E-media

Ill Manors Facebook page

Q: How many likes has the Ill manors film page had?

A: The ill manors film page has had 30,139 likes to date

Q: What is the top of the page promoting?

A: The top of the Facebook page promotes the ill manors blu ray and DVD. Also they promote that audiences can download the film and get it on demand.

Q: Choose five of the posts on the page's wall, screen grab them and explain how they appeal to the Ill Manor's target audience.


Q: Find three examples of synergy with other platforms (links to broadcast clips or newspaper/magazine articles). Explain how each one promotes the film.


Q:Find three examples on the Facebook wall of opportunities for user generated content or audience interaction (e.g. a question that invites people to comment or a competition to enter).


Q: Find three examples of the Facebook page cross-promoting the soundtrack or DVD release.


Q: Find the Twitter graffiti campaign link on the Facebook wall and screen grab it.


Q: How did the institution use the Facebook page to promote the film's release in May/June 2012?


Ill Manors Twitter feed

Q: How does the Ill Manors Twitter feed use the Ill Manors brand to promote the film?


Q: Find three celebrities the Ill Manors Twitter feed re-tweeted to promote the film and explain how they appeal to the Ill Manors target audience.


Q:How has the Ill Manors Twitter feed used pictures to help promote the film?


Q: Find examples of the Ill Manors Tag London campaign in the Ill Manors Twitter feed and explain how they help to target the right audience for the film.


Q: How was the Ill Manors Twitter feed used to specifically promote the release of the film (May/June 2012) and the release on DVD (October 2012)? Choose three tweets for each and explain how they effectively promote the film.


Ill Manors on Instagram

Q: How has Ill Manors used the Instagram platform to promote Ill Manors?


Q: Choose three particular images/posts and explain why they are effective in promoting the film.


Q:What hashtags are used on Instagram to promote the film? Is there consistency in branding/hashtags across social media? Why is this important?


Q: Find three images on Instagram tagged with Ill Manors that relate to other texts you have studied across the three platforms (such as the music video, TEDx lecture or a print interview). Explain the synergy between the texts.

YouTube - planbuk channel

Q: How was the planbuk YouTube channel used to promote the Ill Manors film?


Q: Find examples of synergy or cross-promotion between the planbuk YouTube channel and other media texts you have studied as part of the case study. Explain how they both promote the film and appeal to the Ill Manors target audience.


Q: What links to other social networking sites can you find on the planbuk channel homepage?

A: There are Twitter and Facebook links are the main sites that can be found ton the youtube page. Also people can also find there instagram link on it aswell as the links below.

Monday, 17 March 2014

A Field In England

A Field in England was a low budget film directed by award winning art-house director Ben Wheatley which was released on 5th July 2013. The film tried to be unique and original by releasing the film on the same day on all platforms. The film had a budget of £184 million allocated to it media such as advertising, all film posters, advertising production, publicity, premiers and related costs which is not very much compared to the Average Hollywood movie which cost approx $100 million  to make and a further $50 million distribute. A Field in England made a comfortable £21,399 over the opening weekend and played too sold out crowds in lot of UK inner city venue. The film drew over 288,000 combined viewers and when those who recorded the film on Saturday and Sunday were also added to the total, it was at 357,000 up on the Film4’s slot average of 346,000. 

Q: How was A Field In England’s release different to typical film releases?

A: The film A Field In England was very different to other film as usually a new film is first introduced across cinemas then followed by a DVD and Blu ray release. This is then usually followed by the film being available on TV and on demand. However, this film took a different and released the film on all platforms for example cinema,  DVD and Blu ray, premier on TV and on  demand.

Q: What are the advantages to releasing the film across all platforms on the same day?

A: The advantages of these are that it targets a wider range of audiences for example as there are only few art-house cinemas around the country it might be difficult for people to get their so instead they have other options for them to view it such as on TV, on demand and on DVD/Blu ray.  

Q: What are the disadvantages to this approach?

A: However, there are disadvantages to this approach because releasing the film on all plate forms may reduce other sales in departments such as the DVD and Blu ray as someone might decided to watch it on TV instead of buying it or watching it in cinema. 

Q: What target audience would A Field In England be aimed at? Demographics and Psycho graphics.

A: The target audience that this film will be aimed at is middle class white people who are over 30 and interested in history facts and movies. 

Q: Do you think all films in future will be released across all platforms simultaneously in future?

A: in future I believe that films will be released similarly but not the same. What i mean by this is that they wont release it simultaneously but they will be released close to each other for example instead of releasing the DVD 6 months later they would release it like a month or two months after. 

Sunday, 16 March 2014

ILL Manors: Tag London Campaign

Q: Summarise the Ill Manors Tag London campaign in 100 of your own words

A: The ill Manors Tag London was a campaign by the ill manors product team who used twitter to the best of their ability and allowed audiences to participate in the campaign. The campaign was for audiences to tweet about what their believes and opinion are of the current state of the UK and some would be written by a graffiti artist in graffiti font and projected on British land marks such as the house of parliament. Moreover, for audience to participated they need to use twitter and the hash tag #ILL MANORS which created further promotion for the ill manors brand.

Q: How does the Ill Manors Tag London campaign help to promote the film?

A: The ill manors Tag London campaign helps promote film as the Tag London campaign hash tag "#ILLMANORS" is the same hash tag used for the film and the music video. Also the ill manors tag London further promotes the film as the tweets that got sent in promotes the same values as the music and the ill manors film. 

Q: What links are there between the Tag London campaign and other texts you have studied as part of the Ill Manors case study?

A: There are several links between the Tag London campaign and other text that i have studied for example some of the issues that tag London campaign taps into is also some of the issues that is highlighted in the TEDx lecture.

Q:Why might user-generated campaigns like this be more successful than traditional media campaigns?

A: A user generated campaign like tag London might be more successful than  traditional media campaigns because a user generated campaign enables audience to join in and participated which makes them feel like that there views and believes are being heard and listened to.Plus as they are being projected on to British land marks makes it more effective as lots of people are going to see their views on the current UK affairs. 

Q: Choose five of the tweets above and for each one write what target audience the tweet could appeal to (demographics/psychographics) and then link the tweet to one other media text you have studied as part of the Ill Manors case study (TEDx lecture, music video etc.) Justify your link for each tweet using examples from the film/promotional material.


ILL Manors: Official website

Q: How does the ill manors official website promote the film?

A: The ill manors website promotes the film in different ways for example there's a poster behind characters which was the film poster which cross promotes the film. Another way that the official website promotes the film is that the same font used on the website is the one used in the in the film poster. furthermore, the website gives opportunities to customers to be able to buy  the film on blue ray and dvd on the buy now link. lastly, the website promotes the film as all the characters in the film are displayed centre page.

Q: What examples can you find of the ill manors brand on the website homepage?

A: The examples that i can find of the ill manors brand on the ill manors official website is that there is link where audiences can click on "Ben Drew" and find out more about Ben Drew find out his intentions and motive for creating the film. Also the way the tower blocks are used in the the back ground is used through out ill manors production such as the film and film poster. The costumes of the characters of is also the ill manors brand as we can identify them easily and that they were exact or similar costumes in the film.

Q: What links does the website offer?

A: The links that the official website offer is shown in the following:

  • Trailer- This is where audiences can view the official trailer
  •  Synopsis - This is where audiences can read the narrative and the story line of the ill manors film 
  • Ben Drew- audiences can click on this link to view the motives why Ben Drew made the film.
  • Stills- This link takes audiences to photos that were taken during the filming of ill manors
  • Video- This links gives people video on interviews, songs and behind the scene footage
  • Buy now- This is a link enabling customers to be able to buy the blue ray and dvd on Amazon and on play
  • Links- takes to social media websites such as twitter and Facebook
  • Reactions- is reviews and comments about the film 
  • Album- tell audiences where they can purchase the album
Q: What examples of synergy can you find between the website homepage and the print/broadcast platform?

A: Examples of synergy i could find on the home page was the font style used in on the website is the same one used in the film and the film posters.  Also all the institutions along the bottom of the page is seen in other platforms such as in the trailer, film and posters. Another example of synergy is colour of the home page is grey and gloomy which exactly the same colour used in the film poster.

Q: List the links to social media on the website homepage and why are these important?

A: There were different links available to audiences but the two most noticeable links were Facebook and Twitter. The Facebook link will take you to the ill manors page where you can view there posts and pictures etc. The Twitter link takes to ill manors Twitter page where audiences can view ill manors hash tags and topics.

Monday, 3 March 2014

Leaner Response: Media Audiences

WWW: Your representation answer contains excellent references to theory which clearly shows revision.  You are making progress and are clearly capable of C+ if we keep improving.

EBI: Written English is a problem - spelling, grammar and organisation
- Your points do not go into enough depth/detail and this holds you back from the higher levels.

LR: Your audience Q is week: rewrite it on your log to a level 4

Media Audiences 

Q: why does the film appeal to such a wide audience?
A:  Firstly, this short film appeals to a wide range of audiences is that everyone can relate to it as there is no age limit as every one has a family and the little girl in the short film plays a pivotal role. secondly, This shorts also appeals to a wide range of audiences because it uses original and innovative techniques as they use people as seat belts which other road safety don't use. blue cats Uses and gratification theory applies to this as people can identify with different characters in the short film.

Moreover, as this is a short film, Brevity, this allows there positioning on video sharing and social networking sites because if it was any longer on Facebook or YouTube people wouldn't bother or skip the advert. additionally, as there is no dialogue between characters this would appeal globally and lot of people all over the world can relate.

lastly, the counter point to shock tactics  is different to other road safety adverts as almost all have things having fast and showing the consequences of the car crash such as blood all over the victims face or dead bodies whereas this road safety advert takes a different and positive approach as they show the positive out come of wearing a seat belt.