A: The ill manors website promotes the film in different ways for example there's a poster behind characters which was the film poster which cross promotes the film. Another way that the official website promotes the film is that the same font used on the website is the one used in the in the film poster. furthermore, the website gives opportunities to customers to be able to buy the film on blue ray and dvd on the buy now link. lastly, the website promotes the film as all the characters in the film are displayed centre page.
Q: What examples can you find of the ill manors brand on the website homepage?
A: The examples that i can find of the ill manors brand on the ill manors official website is that there is link where audiences can click on "Ben Drew" and find out more about Ben Drew find out his intentions and motive for creating the film. Also the way the tower blocks are used in the the back ground is used through out ill manors production such as the film and film poster. The costumes of the characters of is also the ill manors brand as we can identify them easily and that they were exact or similar costumes in the film.
Q: What links does the website offer?
A: The links that the official website offer is shown in the following:
- Trailer- This is where audiences can view the official trailer
- Synopsis - This is where audiences can read the narrative and the story line of the ill manors film
- Ben Drew- audiences can click on this link to view the motives why Ben Drew made the film.
- Stills- This link takes audiences to photos that were taken during the filming of ill manors
- Video- This links gives people video on interviews, songs and behind the scene footage
- Buy now- This is a link enabling customers to be able to buy the blue ray and dvd on Amazon and on play
- Links- takes to social media websites such as twitter and Facebook
- Reactions- is reviews and comments about the film
- Album- tell audiences where they can purchase the album
A: Examples of synergy i could find on the home page was the font style used in on the website is the same one used in the film and the film posters. Also all the institutions along the bottom of the page is seen in other platforms such as in the trailer, film and posters. Another example of synergy is colour of the home page is grey and gloomy which exactly the same colour used in the film poster.
Q: List the links to social media on the website homepage and why are these important?
A: There were different links available to audiences but the two most noticeable links were Facebook and Twitter. The Facebook link will take you to the ill manors page where you can view there posts and pictures etc. The Twitter link takes to ill manors Twitter page where audiences can view ill manors hash tags and topics.
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