EBI: Written English is a problem - spelling, grammar and organisation
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LR: Your audience Q is week: rewrite it on your log to a level 4
Media Audiences
A: Firstly, this short film appeals to a wide range of audiences is that everyone can relate to it as there is no age limit as every one has a family and the little girl in the short film plays a pivotal role. secondly, This shorts also appeals to a wide range of audiences because it uses original and innovative techniques as they use people as seat belts which other road safety don't use. blue cats Uses and gratification theory applies to this as people can identify with different characters in the short film.
Moreover, as this is a short film, Brevity, this allows there positioning on video sharing and social networking sites because if it was any longer on Facebook or YouTube people wouldn't bother or skip the advert. additionally, as there is no dialogue between characters this would appeal globally and lot of people all over the world can relate.
lastly, the counter point to shock tactics is different to other road safety adverts as almost all have things having fast and showing the consequences of the car crash such as blood all over the victims face or dead bodies whereas this road safety advert takes a different and positive approach as they show the positive out come of wearing a seat belt.
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